Blockchain-based node
Users can contact other users who have connected to a block chain-based node.
Innovative challenge, Creative thoughts, and Entertainment programs are the three key elements of Balloon-X. Balloon-X is soft-forked from the precedented balloon coin project. We've come to you with a more advanced paradigm project. The Key indicator of Balloon-X is that it is compatible with traditional applications such as Bytedance. We aim the utmost blockchain market with fine services.
Provides a variety of application services to establish token identity
Provides high quality of services and token economy as a reduction benefits in accordance with an actual usage of Coin
Provides a range of contract developments based on reliability
Provides the most leading-edge enterprise-style token platform
Is a stability-based entertainment business, available globally
Users can contact other users who have connected to a block chain-based node.
This is the major factor of price boom; the application usage will directly bind to the rates of the Ballloon-chart.
Users have fun by utilizing block chain as a crypto entertainment based on real-time.
It is an application that converges with various convergence multi-platforms from the precedented token issuance method.
블록체인 기반 연합 생태계 구축 활성화를 앞장서는 선도기업 프로젝트 입니다.
벌룬 재단의 운영 후 운영사와 유저의 갈등이 있었던 벌룬이 결국 하드포크 된다. 기존 ‘벌룬’과 이를 하드포크한 ‘벌룬엑스’ 두가지 블록체인과 어플리케이션이 공존하는 형태다...
포블게이트의 리브랜딩으로 상장된 벌룬엑스가 6월 1일 재상장 과정을 성황리에 마쳤다....
국내 최고 거래소인 업비트, 빗썸에서 리브랜딩 제도를 도입했다는 소식에 국내 중견 거래소들 역시 사업영역을 분산하고 다각화해서 각 분야에 도입하고 있는 추세다...
벌룬엑스와 함께 비전을 제시할 파트너 및 해외주력 사업 전망입니다.
We establish an infrastructure-based business model in order to build a token paradigm.
Brand management
Risk management
Result analysis portfolio
Premium strategies to approach domestic and foreign market
코인/발행 및 컨트랙트 배포
토큰소각 및 소프트/하드포크 분리
최초 상장 후 조치관리 및 대응
투자유치 및 자문, 파트너쉽 구축
미디어 홍보 및 이벤트 지원
블록체인 기반 연합 생태계 구축 활성화를 앞장서는 선도기업 프로젝트 입니다.
BitVoice is a subsidiary exchange of CoinVoice that provides a wide range of services such as observational reporting, offline activities, and crowdfunding for the block chain industry founded by Ethan Yu, a former marketing department at Binance, which was established around April 2018.It is a exchange that receives liquidity from Bitrex and generates virtual currency to share revenue.
Passcon is a security solution company that develops the best domestic and foreign block chain security and safety modules with random sampling code.We have market know-how through detailed safety verification of self-development, ability to develop unique technologies through domestic and overseas smart contract development and node security, consulting on token ecosystem of block chain security teams, and ICO acceleration experience.
CrAD is a Wallet that is in the spotlight on various domestic and foreign exchanges such as P2PB2B and ChainX.It supports intuitive purchase screen, convenient KYC registration, and automated deposit and withdrawal, and is a promising crypto asset service with 1,000,000 cumulative overseas downloads.
블록체인 기반 연합 생태계 구축 활성화를 앞장서는 선도기업 프로젝트 입니다.